Want to become a dropship retailer with us? Create your account now, and one of our account representatives will be in touch to verify your information. Once your account is approved, you can begin placing orders. Our account activation process takes approximately 24-48 business hours.
Never worry about shipping, packaging, or holding inventory when you become one of our Dropship Retailer partners. Whether you are just starting out or looking for new ways to grow your business, by selling our trusted line of area rugs, bedding and bath linens you will never have to worry about warehousing, inventory management, or setup costs. By becoming a DropShip partner with us, you have access to all these wonderful benefits:
Sell Profitable Merchandise
Add our wide-range of products that customers trust and love
Quick, Reliable, and EffortlessÂ
Place your orders through our site and we will do the rest
Extend your Product Catalog
All orders are shipped within 2 to 3 business days
Marketing Assets
All of our dropship partners have access to all of our approved photos and logos at no additional charge
We’re here to help you along the way
Get the assistance you need by contacting our support team to answer any additional questions you may have.
Dropship Program Guidelines
- Dropship products must be marketed under Superior and must not include Home City Inc. in any promotional or product messaging
- Approved dropship programs may copy or save any official logos and photography from anywhere on this website (Please note: logos and photography may not be used for the promotion of other brands or anything other than the dropship program)